25 September, 2021

Live Off the Land

 When I was a kid I made up a game that I called “Live off the land”. The goal was to stay outside and only eat what I could forage. I mean, we’ve all been there..right?

Note, my dad is a master gardener, and we had fruit trees. It wasn’t a difficult challenge. I kept a salt shaker next to the tomatoes- Life was good.

A friend reminded me yesterday “Try not to be like everyone else, she said, there will come a time when the pieces that are not you will fall away easily”.

Well, I did try to be like everybody else and lost that little girl who wanted so badly to live off the land.

However, I am working my way back to find her. Because, I think she’s pretty cool, and I’ve discovered that I can do hard things.

The last week of the Farmer’s Market was a delight. Thank you Grand Forks.

Full Catastrophe Living

  “ 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” -  Alfred Tennyson   To be Alive To be truly alive Is to...