Elias is the proudest big brother ~ I really thought there would be some jealousy issues, but he is absolutely delighted with his baby sister.

Jannae celebrated her 18th birthday! Elias and I made a cake for her party. Note the chocolate mustache.
Ruby 4 days old~

3 weeks~ She is growing so quickly.
5 weeks, she is more and more alert everyday. She is beginning to smile more often. I love it!
6 weeks~ She is my little angel. I just want to kiss her little cheeks all the time.
8 Weeks! She is smiling and cooing. But not sleeping though the night~ She is definitely the family sweetheart.
10 weeks~ She has grown so so much in the last 2 weeks.. Its amazing. So fun to watch her develop and begin to interact more. We love you so much Ruby!
3 months
2 pics of her at 14 weeks~
14 Weeks~ Our sweet Ruby smiles all the time. She is getting to be our little butter ball weighing in over 12 pounds. She is really doing well sitting up and holding her head. She sits in her highchair and watches me work in the kitchen. She is my baby doll, I love her so much.
19 weeks and 20 weeks

I can't beleive how much she is changing, before our very eyes. Can't wait to see her again.
I love her! She is getting big, tell her to stop growing for another week so she will still be little when she meets more of her favorite aunts!
We are all so delighted to see the new pictures ______ Ruby is a little sweetheart and Elias (The Big Brother) is too
absolutely adorable. I forget how small they are. The time goes so fast.
What a beautiful family! Ruby is growing so quickly!
Oh Heidi: She is amazingly perfect. I want to kiss her cheeks too! Little Ruby will be the perfect playmate for little Will. Can't wait to get all the kids together!
Oh, my goodness, they grow way too fast! She looks SO different. beautiful baby girl.
what a beautiful little girl! you guys are so lucky! how special...
she is soooo cute! when are the castles coming back to utah? can't wait to meet ruby!!
she is soooo cute!! when are the castles coming back to utah? we want to meet baby ruby!!
Whoa. I've had some serious blog catching up to do. Congrats to you guys. This makes me so happy!
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