05 March, 2010

For Birth Mom~

Ruby Catherine~ Named Catherine after birth mom, wearing her matching bracelet and wrapped in her matching quilt.  We are forever grateful for your beautiful sacrifice.  We see you everyday in our daughters bright eyes.  We love you! 

Elias and Eric skied down to the river today~ March 5th~  The snow has covered the ground since the end of November.
 Elias LOVES to ski!


Brenda said...

Beautiful... brought tears to my eyes. Catherine must be a strong woman who loves her baby girl very much and she couldn't have chosen a better family to entrust with the care of her little one!

Wendy said...

Heidi, That is the sweetest picture and the sweetest blog I've ever read. Thank you for sharing

Carmen said...

This is beautiful and I am sure she appreciates it.

Megan said...

Congratulations you guys, she is absolutely beautiful! We're so happy for your family.

The Bentley's said...

i'm totally crying. I cannot even imagine the sacrifice. So special for everyone involved. Ruby is such a beauty! can't wait to meet her!!! I"ll be at nica's wedding!

The P Family said...

Heidi, I studied about Open Adoption and I heard about sometimes when mothers give their babies away, the adoptive parents all of sudden wouldn't let the birth mothers see their babies since adoptive parents have all the power. I want to say I'm so glad you're not one of them! I bet the adoptive mother is eternall grateful that her daughter has a wonderful family. :)

And RUBY! She is seriously BEAUTIFUL!!!! I LOVE HER! She's is going to be a quite a beautiful woman when she grows up! :) ANd Elias is soooo cute!!!! You're such a wonderful mom!!!

Someday I'd love to adopt kids.

Wendy said...

That looks so cold, but Elias looks so cute on his skis.

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