Boo #1 Boo #2
Matthew and Connor and their family came to our ward Halloween party. I love those little ghosts. It is so fun to see them.
It is also funny because Elias totally gets jealous. Apparently I make a big fuss over them. Elias will push them out of the way and hold me in his arms.
I am not sure which Boo is Conner and which is Matthew. All I know is they are adoreable. You have a lot of ties to Manhattan.
That comment is from Teri.
I love your blogs, just about a week ago we discovered it, it's so fun to see Elias, he is so stinkin adorable. and that is so neat you guys have foster children. I love to read about it and see their pictures. you guys are truly amazing. Katie
Long time no talkie! I got your site from the Severts blog. Your family is adorable. I still have baby naming book from about 5 years ago. I really need to get that back to you. I saw it the other day and realized I still had it. Oops! Our blog is wiberg5.blogspot.com
It was fun to see what you guys have been up to. Sorry to barge in!
Carolyn and Dustin Wiberg
Long time no talkie! I got your site from the Severts blog. Your family is adorable. I still have baby naming book from about 5 years ago. I really need to get that back to you. I saw it the other day and realized I still had it. Oops! Our blog is wiberg5.blogspot.com
It was fun to see what you guys have been up to. Sorry to barge in!
Carolyn and Dustin Wiberg
They look more alike than they used to but I thnk I can still tell which one is which their noses are so different. Matthew in front? Poor Elias, that's so cute
They are so cute and SO big. Wow time flies......
The boys are so darling, and they have grown so sooo much.
too funny. i guess it has to make you feel good that elias loves you right:) he sounds like such a doll
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