28 November, 2007

Like Father Like Son-

This is Elias on his changing table getting a clean diaper. He likes to flag all of the books he owns. Eric takes a book into the bathroom to read every night. Gross I know. Thus the -Like Father like son.


The Bentley's said...

too cute! what a doll!

Tamie said...

that is cute....i'm going to have to post the picture i took of jack the other day...your pic of elias reminds me of how funny jack was while watching tv the other afternoon....it is a good thing that kids make you giggle...it kind of makes up for the times that they make you want to scream :)

Jordan said...

So Funny. He is too cute. I love all your pictures and the pie looed so yummy. it is making my mouth water right now!!! Can't wait to see you guys in MX!!

Teri said...

Wow! Elias can read ___ already!!!
If you miss a page he knows it.
Remember the "Dick and Jane" book "We See and Do"? Elias exactly. He sees and then he does. The kitchen is getting new tile this week. Elias has a special interest in the spacers. He takes them out and puts them back in __such a great helper.

Wendy said...

It's so true when we see our kids imaitate us. And Elias is a Daddy' boy, so watch out he will copy everything !!

the doze said...

Priceless... Although, I think that is too much information about Eric. I'll never pick up a book in your house. Oh, and by the way... our address is:

6337 Ravendale Lane
Dallas, TX 75214

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