16 December, 2004

Holiday News

               eric & heidi    2004

January-  New Year’s Eve was quite an adventure, we found ourselves caught in a severe blizzard on top of Mount Bonneville.  We had planned to bring in the New Year in a nice warm Mountain Yurt with family.   

     Instead we were all lost in a white out and were forced to build a snow cave on the mountain.  We woke up at 4: am as the snow cave began to slowly give way to the weight of the new fallen snow.  We fumbled our way through the darkness toward the Pebble Creek Ski resort.  

     We were drawn home by distant blasts of dynamite testing for avalanches.  We all made it safely, with a new appreciation for life and each other.  

February- Eric is researching watershed usage and environmental planning.  He loves his work, and enjoys taking opportunities to be creative in his designs.

     I am enjoying learning more about counseling and working effectively with children and adults.

March- Eric still loves his bike and had fun at the Riley Romp Race.  I ran the St. Patties Day 10 K.  We enjoy our races.

AprilI am teaching 7th and 8th grade.  I work with at-risk teens and thoroughly enjoy finding the positives in them and fostering their self-esteem.  

     Eric is working as a researcher on campus in his spare time -(oxymoron).  He gets great satisfaction from the work he does.  

     His newest hobby is making home videos. He really puts his creative talents to use.  

May- We moved into our new town house!  

We love our new home, neighborhood, and ward.

June- I took my first consulting job at STAR camp for children with behavioral challenges.  It was an adventurous week with parents and children.  I love working with parents and reinforcing positive parenting practices.

     We visited Idaho for my 10-year class reunion and Utah for the Castle Family reunion.  It was a fun break in our summer studies.

July- An intense month of schooling for both of us.  We did get one fun canoe trip at a nearby lake.  And we made it to Idaho just in time to celebrate Uncle Stan’ 95th birthday!

     We played in Jackson Hole and climbed in The Grand Tetons with Brandon & Jessie.

August- We backpacked in the Uintas with the Castle’s and friends.  Eric got to ride his bike on his old familiar routes.

     Eric takes his sketchbook with him almost everywhere.   He is really developing his artistic abilities.  

September- Fall semester is underway at K-State.  We are both slowly progressing toward our degrees.  

Eric’s program is VERY intense.  He is busy everyday and the demands are high.  As for me, between teaching full time and taking grad classes ¾ time I barely have time to sleep.  We pray that our sacrifices will bring blessings to our family and those we serve.

     I am teaching again at Eisenhower Middle School and really loving my work this year, it is quite a change from last fall.  I started counseling clients for the first time and I am learning great things.  I am also working a few hours a week at the Women’s Center at K- State.

     Eric and his team rode the MS 150.  It is so fun to watch him race!  

October- Eric attended the ASLA conference in SLC and was able to ski and play with friends and family.

I spent time writing a grant that will allow me to incorporate Boy Scouting into the character education program in my classroom. 

     I really enjoy milling wheat and making Kansas wheat bread.  Eric thinks I have gone health food nuts.  Hmm…

November- We were so happy that we were able to go home for Rachel’s Wedding and Thanksgiving.  

     It is hard to believe that our time in Kansas is ½ over.  We have grown to love the prairie and many amazing people we have come to love here.

December- Mexico here we come!  Fun in the sun this Christmas with the Castles-

May we all remember our Savior, the reason for this wonderful season-

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