eRIC & hEIDI 2003
jAnuaRy- We started our last semester at BYU. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time at University. We are especially grateful for the research opportunities that have come to us.
feBuarY- I love my little kindergarteners they are kind
and innocent. Teaching is very rewarding.
mArCH- Bike season begins…eRic is riding
for BYU, I LOVE watching him race!
aPriL- eRic graduated in Conservation Biology.
maY- We had lots of fun staying with the Castle’s in Cedar Hills! Eric presented his research in Calgary.
juNe- Taiwan, Mandarin Chinese, TaiChi & lotsa rice. Transitioning to a new culture wasn’t as
easy as we thought. Exciting though!
juLy- Asia is amazing. We had great times
riding through Toroko Gorge National Park, monkey watching, sitting in volcanic hot pools, visiting aborigine tribes, observing water buffalo and teaching in a new culture.
aUgusT- Thailand was the highlight of our summer We vacationed on Phuket and enjoyed snorkeling in the Indian Ocean, riding elephants, playing with monkeys and shopping.
sEpTeMbEr- Off to see the Wizard of OZ! Back to the USA and on to Kansas! We started grad school @ KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Go C ATS!
I teach Middle School 7th & 8th graders with behavior issues.
Eric finished building his dream bike. We joined KSU cycling and we’ve had a blast traveling to races in the Midwest. I love my Wheat Mill, I make lots of Kansas wheat bread.
oCTobEr- Follow the Yellow brick road…We ride our bikes everywhere since our scooter broke down. We gave up our jeep in May. Eric loves his Landscape Architecture program. He’s interested in continuing his research in restoration.
NoVEmBeR-We visited Liberty jail and have enjoyed historical sites in America’s Heartland. I’ve had a tough Fall, adjusting to demands of grad school with difficult situations
at work. I Love my program in School Counseling
and I plan to continue my research with children.
DeCEmBeR-I’m still a veggie head, and sure I always will be, as of yet I haven’t converted Eric (the meat head ha!).
May the pure light of Christ warm your
hearts now and through out the new year.
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