24 May, 2016

Happy Birthday Elizabeth~

At sunrise today
A rainbow appeared
Light shining through
Darkness and fear.

This is the day,
May twenty forth,
My baby girl would have turned 4.
I miss her hugs,
Her smiles, her eyes.
Yet I still feel her peace
Her spirit is wise.
I keep looking on
Each day is new
Each moment a gift
I soak in the view.
I love you Lizzy,
I am blessed by your peace.
I find hope in your love.
May you presence ever increase.

Until that day
When I can hold you again
I'll try stay focused
And let the present Reign.

May 24, 2016
Happy Birthday baby girl~

1 comment:

Haitham Al-Twaijri said...

Beautiful poem Heidi <3

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