27 June, 2015

Don Aslett's Museam of Clean and other Pocatello Fun

McKee's Pet Store- RubyCatherien and Kanyon enjoyed the kittens.

The dreaded Walmart.  I seriously DO NOT LIKE this store, however,
 these three delightful people made it much  more enjoyable.

Chimney Sweepers-  Professionals.
Chim-chim, chim-chim, chim-chim charoo.  A dream is as lucky as a life time with you!

These girls know how to Git R Done.  Windows cleaned.  Check.
When did cleaning become so much fun?
Two happy Princesses.  Lily Homer was a delightful playmate all summer.  We look forward to future visits.

Wildflower Festivle-  Pebble Creek-  Good times with this good lookin guy/

RubyCatherine and Kanyon-  Lunch at the park.
We had so much fun going to parks around Pocatello all summer for free lunches and playing with friends.
 I think we went every single day.  

Uncle Brandon, hangin with us in our Sheep Camp.

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