22 March, 2014

Amish Road Trip-

Heidi, Ruby Catherine, Elizabeth and Grammy Lamby 
visited a number of Amish homes on our trip in 
Mississippi, Florida, Missouri, Kentucky and Georgia.   
It was a great experience.  
Who knew there were Amish communities in all these states?

Randolph, Mississippi-  
The only Amish settlement in the deep south. 
(sans the Sarasota, FL Amish community, but is Florida really in the South?)

Ruby Catherine and Elizabeth had fun with the Amish children- 
sand boxes, swings, and lots of warm outside time!

Logs from the Amish sawmill.

Handmade Amish rugs

Handmade Amish Rolling pins.

We visited 4 different Amish farms in Mississippi.

The Mississippi Amish settlement we visited are considered Old order Swartzentruber the most conservative of the Amish.  They are noted for their restricted use of technology, lack of SMV triangle emblems on buggies, and particularly plain lifestyle.  As is common for Swartzentruber Amish, those in the Randolph community permit only metal rims on buggies, and do not allow propane or gas lights.  They don't like pictures taken of their faces or to be identifiable in photos, but they did allow me to photograph things in their hose and on the farm.

The kind family we stayed with provided us with a delicious breakfast.
Scratch made biscuits, jams, eggs, home made cereals, farm fresh jersey milk-
A vegetarians delight!

Think these type of Milk cans are out of date?
In Clark Missouri- the Amish utilize them daily.

Death is part of life on the farm.
Ruby-Catherine stopped to pray for this fallen bird.
We have funerals for our small flock of chickens when one dies too.   
Ruby-Cat has a heart of gold- she honors life.  

Spring plowing in Missouri. 

 Ruby Catherine slept by Momma every night on our trip.  :)

The girls liked this swing so much -
Grammy is going to have Grandpa Cory build one for their house in Idaho. 

Ruby-Catherine, Amy and Elizabeth in Clark, Missouri.

This Amish store in Randolph, Mississippi made and sold Amish hats.  


Unknown said...

What an amazing experience!

Unknown said...

They build all kinds of awesome stuff

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...