05 July, 2011

4th of July in Korea, Olympic Park, & Swimming on Post

Happy 4th of July~
Ruby on the US Army post BBQ and Fireworks

Seoul's Olympic Park  1988 Summer Olympics

Elias is a really good big brother, always looking out for  his Ruby.

We had an awesome 2 hour bike ride around Seoul's Olympic park.  Good work out for Mom and Pops.

Olympic Park Peace  Gardens

We met an amazing family at a restaurant in Seoul and became instant friends.
 Josh and Elise Hampton are  Awesome!  And their kids too!
We have been hanging out ever since we met.
It turns out that Eric and Josh both grew up in
Colorado and have some friends in common.
This is a picture of Elise Hampton, me and Ruby.

Seoul Land~  How am I going to get my kids back to the idea of not having a great adventure every day?
Korea has been truly amazing.
Sophie H. and Elias

Ruby, Sophie and Josh

Hold hands and jump for your life!

The park was nearly empty.  We didn't wait in line one time.
 It was a grand 4th of July.

There were these walking toys you could take around the park.

Elias, Brig and Sophie

Sophie and Elias watching a ride

Seoul Korea Temple

Elias and I as I was going in the temple and he was going to the subway station.

Ruby's favorite adventure  this sumemr in Korea is by far the swimming pool on the US Army post.

My friend Michelle gave me a brilliant
 idea of making holes in her hat for her  pony tails.
Works like a charm, and keeps her hat on too.

I don;'t want to leave the pool

1 comment:

MelissaS said...

Sounds like you guys are having a great adventure in Korea! And making great friends wherever you go!

Those plush walking toys seem awesome!

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