10 July, 2010

Summer Out West~

Elias and Mama enjoying the 4th of July Parade

 Elias and Papa just after Elias rocked it on the zipline~

Ruby and Trev, hanging in Idaho

The happiest baby I know.  I love her so much!

Brandon teaching Bret yoga sitting position at the Portneuf River Fest~ Love my bros

Strawberry Days Rodeo with Grandma Wendy~

Boating on the Snake River with the Panton Family~

Ben and Elias enjoying a late night bowl of cereal at the Southwick's home in Victor

Elias and Grammy Playing Cowboys and indians

I am having so much fun with Ruby's hair...most of the time she is pretty patient with me.

Funnest Baseball Game Ever

Korean baseball is the best. Everyone, I mean everyone knows all the players names. Every inning the home team is up the entire crowd chants songs, in unison, custom made for that player. By the time that the visiting team comes up to bat you need a break.

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...