Majora Carter is our only chick this year. It is sad because she doesn't' have any play mates. She wants to be held and runs to me every time I put my hand in her box. She is absolutely delightful. Elias and I have been playing with her all day. She cries when we leave her in her box. So we just let her hang out with us! Here she is enjoying some green grass and sunshine and resting my kitchen window.
Thursday was Parents day at preschool~ Good times! This is the last week before Summer Vacation~

hi - You have a chicken named after Majora?
She will be in Duluth and Minneapolis this summer, and would love to meet her new namesake.
Please see the speaking calendar at majoracartergroup.com for more details.
James Chase
VP Communications
Look how good Elias is writing his name! Way to go!
How come only one chick this year? Weren't there a 102 last year?
Heidi: ALL your little chicks are getting so big! Elias and Ruby look so beautiful. What a dream to have them in the yard with you, building compost bins and playing with the chickens. I love your life!
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