Ruby was born 17 January 2010 in Detroit, Michigan
6 lbs 5 oz
One woman’s journey. Living her moments vulnerably through happiness, pain, joy, and sorrow. Experiencing life, death and living. . . . . . Curiously and playfully discovering the NOW.
Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...
Congratulations Heidi! What a lovely addition to your beautiful family. She is gorgeous. And you are all so lucky and blessed to have each other. Congratulations again!
What BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! I LOVE her name-- tell me more about it? Hope you guys are well and adjusting to more love and joy in the Lamb Castle family :)
pretty girl!!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!
Welcome, Ruby!! Congrat's, guys :)
Congratulations! I am so excited for you!
I think of you guys often and hope things are going well. Take care and enjoy her!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you!
I think of you guys often and hope things are going well. Take care and enjoy her!
OH Heidi!!!! She is an angel!!!! I am so happy for you!!! What is the story how you got her? Tell us all more!!! Yeah!!!!!
she's beautiful. the pic of your boys with her is so sweet..congrats to you guys!
Oh Heidi: She is extraordinary. Congrats to the lovely Castle family! We can't wait to meet cute little Ruby!
Can I just say that picture of Eric and Elias looking at Ruby is priceless!!!! That is one of the sweetest pictures; you can tell by looking at Elias' face how much he loves her.
I am soooooo happy for your family ! Congratulations!!!
What a beautiful little girl. We are so happy for you!!
What a lovely addition to your family! Congratulations! She's beautiful :)
Congrats!!! She is so beautiful. I am so very happy for you all. Be well, we love you and are thinking of you as aways.
Congratulations Castles! Ruby is beautiful! Look at all that hair. What a sweet picture with her and Eric and Elias. I am sure Elias will be such a great big brother and such a helper to Mom and Dad, too. I am excited to see and hear lots more about this little gal. Congrats again.
PS//Saw CLP at church on Sunday. She ALWAYS makes me think of you.
Hey congrats guys we are so happy for you guys. She is really cute.
We are so happy for you guys !!! And we are so excited to see and hold and kiss and love baby Ruby !!! I can't wait.
She is beautiful and in one of the best families that I could ever imagine! Heidi... thank you for doing this. You honestly wont know what you are doing for these precious gems from God. Take it from a person who knows! Luff ya!
Congrats Heidi! What a precious baby girl! I love her beautiful curls!
We are so in love with little Ruby! Kem carried my phone around (that had her picture pulled up) with her all day saying "baby,baby", she even shared her sippie cup with her! Can't wait to snuggle her!
Ruby is a little angel. She is precious and beautiful. I LOVE the picture of Eric, Elias and Ruby. Elias is taking it all in with such awe and reverence.
Wow. What a moment in time.
Hey congratulation, look at me the first of many to say awesome. She looks beautiful and the ruby red blog is very cute. I'm surprised you didn't name here Ruby Wendy Castle cause Grandma is exactly 54 yrs older than her. J/K her name is perfect with Elias.
Oh MY FREAKIN' adorable! She is SO SOSOSO cute! I really love that picture with Eli totally admiring her. SO cute. Congrats!
Congratulations...that is wonderful! Another Ruby to go along with our little Ruby Carolyn. They should meet each other. What a sweet blessing.
Congratulations...what a sweet blessing! Another Ruby to go along with our little Ruby Carolyn. They need to meet!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! She is beautiful and I love love love the name Ruby. What a wonderful blessing. We are so happy for you guys and I am sure Elias is just so excited to be a big brother. Keep the pictures coming! Love you guys! - Kim, Jeff, Payton and Boston
She's a cutie! Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! What a doll, and what a lucky little girl to be part of your family!
She is BEAUTIFUL!!! We are SO SO SO SO SO thrilled and excited for you and Eric and Eli!!! What a happy day:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
what a beaustiful little girl! what lucky parents you are! congrats a million times over!
(was that enough exclamation points for you? :))
She is the cutest baby. Congratulations, you guys have a great family. I always love to check out the pictures.
Congratulations, Heidi and Eric! She is so sweet and adorable, and it looks like Elias loves her already. I hope you all are settling in well!
Oh she is beautiful! Congratulations Eric & Heidi!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! We are SO thrilled for you guys. I'm so happy that everything went okay!! She is DARLING!!!! Congrats again guys...she is lucky to be part of your family!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. She is beautiful! Take care, Heidi.
love marcia schmitt
I am SOOO excited to meet Ruby. She is very beautiful. She looks like a little angel baby.
Ruby's B-day is the same as my grandma's. Petra was born January 17, 1888.
Congrats Heidi! She looks a real beauty! You must be so happy.
heidi how exciting! what a beautiful girl to add to your family!!! congrats to you all.
Paint the town ruby red indeed! she is so precious!
She is soooo cute!!! And I love that her middle name is my name! Although mine is with a K. :) Welcome Ruby Catherine! :)
wait a minute . . . a NEW castle!!! congrats you guys, i had no idea. she's beautiful! is elias in love with his little sis?
can't wait to meet her,
We just found your link on the Severts. Congratulations! She is beautiful and sooo tiny!
Dustin and Carolyn Wiberg
Heidi, Eric, and Elias: CONGRATULATIONS! We are happy to share long distance in your joy. Thank you for sharing - what an exciting time!!! Ruby is beautiful.
Eric and Heidi, I'm embarrassed that this is so late, but we are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet our new cousin. She is so beautiful. and how fun to have all that hair. No one deserves a sweet little baby more than you guys. Congratulations. we love you guys. we can wait to see you and the Wedding. Katie
Beautiful Ruby !
I can't wait to Hold You and Know You and Love You !
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