24 September, 2009

The Poultry Palace

I recently built the addition onto the "Poultry Palace". The highlights include 3 more nest boxes, two more roosting beams, fully insulated with 1" extruded polystryene. To top it off I installed a green roof. It truly is a palace.


Grammy said...

Looks like Elias has everything under control. He is definitely an 'Oldest Child' according to the birth order book.
Nice job on the Palace! Is that grass on top?

Anonymous said...

looks nice

Tammy jorgenson

Brenda said...

Oh look at your pretty ladies in their house! I had to start keeping mine cooped up because the neighbor cats were having a hay day with them and we were down to 1 layer and 5 chicks. I like the star the best :)

the.lamb.castle@gmail.com said...

You Did a great job on the Coop babe!

Roger said...

Please post a picture of you mowing the grass up there, I'd like to see that one too. Great idea though, I'm interested to see how it works long term!

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