We (momma and elias) are incubating chicken eggs.
They are due to hatch May 6th.... aka Wednesday! We have been waiting patiently for almost 3 weeks (chicken gestation time). Turning the eggs several time daily, monitoring the tempeture and humidity. Hopefully our efforts will bring us some good hens (but mostly a great learning experience).
So, soon we will have 7...

So I need help! Naming my fine ladies.
Our grown hens are named:
Rosa Parks
Amelia Earhart
And we can't forget those who have died. RIP Ladies:
Mother Theresa
Susan B. Anthony (My favorite hen)
Joan of Arc
Anne Frank
Elenore Roosevelt
So, I am taking nominations for names. Please post suggestions or email them to me.
My first hatch will be Sojourner Truth
The down side of hatching our own eggs is that we may get some roosters. Not sure what I am going to do with them. I only keep girls. Any one want roosters?
Louisa May Alcott
What a cool thing to do with Elias. Hope it goes well and you have a full henhouse soon.
My name nominees are:
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Harriet Tubman
Georgia O'Keefe
Clara Barton
Annie Oakley
No, I don't want roosters (like you would send him to Idaho anyway). How did you get the eggs to incubate? Did you let a rooster come and visit? My picks for names:
Ellen - cause I love her
Charlotte Bronte
Coco Chanel - just cause I think Coco would be a GREAT hen name.
Post pics as soon as they start hatching!
Hey Heidi, I was just checking up on you guys. We finally got chickens as well. We let Owen name the one he picked out. Her name's Super Girl! Funny. Elias looks like such a big boy. I hope things are going well for you.
Wow ! How Cool ! I can't wait till they hatch. Call me so I can be in on the fun with Elias.
Names ? Odetta & Millie (Whitney would like that.
Love you guys
i like reba for a name
Tammy Jorgenson
thats cool! I was thinking something like, oh I don't know... Gertie and Bert? Those names ring a bell from the past....
Rachel Carson
Elizabeth {as in the first}
Bronte Sisters
Florence Nightngale {haa you could call her Flo!}
Jane Austen
Roger suggests:
for the roosters-
Cordon (as in Cordon Bleau, my personal favorite)
The Colonel (as in Sanders)
Broth (self explanatory)
Grill (a strong Icelandic name)
Stu (alternately spelled Stew)
for the hens-
Barbie (as in barbie-que)
Dumpling (it just sounds so cute)
Fajita (honoring all the Latinas)
Wok (let's not forget our Asian sisters)
Heidi-I had NOTHING to do with Roger's post under my name !
LOL Roger.
My brother suggested a rooster name "Buffalo Bill"... he Loves Wild Wings.
Molly~ You have the best suggestions. I LOVE Rachel CArson. She is one of my heros.
Excellent suggestions everyone!
Oh my word! Those comments are so funny. :) My Dad is C-R-A-Z-Y!!! :)
I think you should name one Gloria Teresa!!! Or just Gloria and Teresa!!
Hi Heidi: I was going to suggest Gertie and Bert, but someone beat me to it. So in that case, how about Eliza R. Snow?!? I love the fact that you are hatching so many eggs... sounds like the perfect life!
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