11 December, 2008

Woof Woof

Our Dog's name is HONEY-

But Elias has always called her Woof Woof.

So naturally honey is also called "Woof Woof". Elias likes "Woof Woof" on everything he eats...his bread, his cereal, even his pancakes.

I have been a baking factory this week. I have enjoyed trying new recipes. This is my Cranberry loaf. Eric likes to use it for Sandwiches with left over turkey.


W. Nielson said...

Eli is co cute:) We can't wait to see you in a few weeks! I want to hear all about you trip to Europe!

Atomic Clocks Store said...

That bread looked good, made me kinda hungry.

Diane said...

I have tried your old email and can't seem to get a hold of you... I wanted to get your address so we can mail you a card and invite you to our blog. Email me at dmschurr at gmail dot com. Thanks Heidi! We miss you tons.
The Schurr's

Tamie said...

oh yum! that bread DOES sound great....you wouldn't even need cranberry sauce if you've got the cranberries right there in the bread!
yummy honey!

Anonymous said...

Woof Woof

Nothin but love from Grammy

*** I am so excited to see my little sweatheart!

The Bentley's said...

yum!!! and yeah for baking factories... i need to get in that groove asap!!

Wendy said...

That bread looks so yummy ! You are so good at it Heidi !!! Can't wait to see you guys,

The P Family said...

I love your family picture. Oh Heidi, you look so beautiful! I like your hair long!

Cher said...

That bread looks amazing! Yum! I also like "woof woof" on things I eat---Elias has good taste!

Jill said...

that bread looks so yummy! Can't wait to see you guys in a few days.

emily said...

heidi- can you email me your address/phone info at emilyrehrer@msn.com thanks. em

Kim said...

How cute. I love the bebe desus post! hilarious! Also I love the family picture on the side bar!

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