16 December, 2008

2008 News from The Lamb Castle

 2008 News from The Lamb Castle

Our year has been swift and exciting~ Eric took a position teaching at the University of Minnesota.  Our family relocated to a small town in North West Minnesota and we love it…especially me (Heidi). 

We live near several organic farms.  Elias and I spent many hours helping out at our community gardens this summer and tending our own garden.   We get our milk from Netty our favorite cow and we love to make butter and ice cream. 

We have already had visits from grandparents!  Castles and Lambs!  Or as Elias says “ Grandpa baaa”  

Eric loves teaching and doing research.  He is a great professor, and an even better Dad.  I have the best job though…I play house all day every day, and I get paid for it!  …well not really paid with money, but it is totally worth it when Elias gives me hugs and kisses.  I enjoy teaching Yoga and I still run when ever I get the chance ~

I started a grassroots group that supports environmental issues in our community.   “Sustainable Crookston” is our title.  We meet monthly and discuss local issues and projects.  We are raising money for our recycling program and have big plans for Earth Day! 

We love being foster parents.    This year we were blessed with four foster children~  Juan, Susanna, and Koty in Kansas.  In November we welcomed Cohen (17).  These children bring many blessings into our lives.

Elias will be a big 3-year-old in March.  He loves trains, horses, playing with our dog and cuddling with the cat.   He is mommy’s best helper.  He delights his parents and makes us laugh Everyday!

May the Love and Light of Christ be with you now and through out the New Year.



11 December, 2008

Woof Woof

Our Dog's name is HONEY-

But Elias has always called her Woof Woof.

So naturally honey is also called "Woof Woof". Elias likes "Woof Woof" on everything he eats...his bread, his cereal, even his pancakes.

I have been a baking factory this week. I have enjoyed trying new recipes. This is my Cranberry loaf. Eric likes to use it for Sandwiches with left over turkey.

02 December, 2008

"Bebe Desus"

Elias LOVES his nativity. We set it up in early November just so he could play with it for a little extra time.
Well, this week I got out all of the other Nativity scenes. Naturally, they are now the preferred toy. He mixes and matches. Yesterday I found about 10 lambs all lined up on the shelf~ all very different looking lambs from different nativity sets. but lambs none the less.
Today was the nativity highlight though. Elias decided to make "bebe desus" cereal. I came into the living room to find. My new table runner covered in baby Jesus's and milk.

Life is an adventure! And so exciting through the eyes of a 2 year old. Every Christmas decoration is an exciting new toy. Good times.

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...