I have been busy at work and play. The paving project is something that I have been working on for a while. Last spring a student and I came up with a design and wrote a grant to get funding to build it. This fall I have been teaching a landscaping course and the students and I have been installing the design created last spring. After great work from the students and a few visits to the chiropractor it is finally coming together. So the weekend after most of the work was done I went grouse hunting and shot my first ruffed grouse. I haven't ate it yet but I'll let you know how it goes.
Wow. I don't even know what a grouse is?! Well, I guess now I can tell that it's like a turkey. You will have to let me know how it is! The patio looks so nice. Awesome work!
The nook looks great! Good work! How many times have you been to the Chiropractor?
the landscaping look FABULOUS! good job professor eric and students :)
and that bird looks to pretty to eat...save some feathers (if their not too flea-ridden...)
WOW that looks awesome! I think you should give rog and wend a few tips for there yard next year!
sorry about your back, that stinks. the paving project looks very nice, can't wait to hear how the bird tasted??
How is heidi doing is she having lots of fun let me know how the grouse is
Awesome! everything looks great! mmmm...my favorite game meat...grouse! (wink)
Awesome! everything looks great! mmmm...my favorite game meat...grouse! (wink)
The school project looks wonderful. I love the design. Glad your back is feeling better, good thing it didn't slow down your hunting ! Can't wait to hear from Heidi about her trip, we want lots of pics.
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