23 November, 2008

Elias and the Deer

Here is a censored picture of the deer that I "harvested" last week. It was a medium sized 8 point (4x4) white tail. I was able to field dress him by myself after watching many YouTube videos about the process. I was a little nervous that I was going to be too grossed out, because I felt that way when watching the videos. But when it came down to the business, it went pretty smooth. We have grilled up some steaks and made some roasts and we've come to the conclusion that venison is the new black- we love it. I'm hooked, I'm going next year. A word about the grouse - it was excellent, it went very nice with my alfredo sauce.

I've also included a picture of Elias at the fire station wearing his batman cape that Grandma Castle made for him. He loves wearing it.

11 November, 2008

France and Switzerland

Paris, France
I loved spending time with my dear friends from childhood~

View of Eiffel from the top of Notre Dame~ The most photographed gargoyle in the world

Lussane, Switzerland
Heidi Shop~

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire~ They tasted really good!

Berne, Switzerland

A fun little shop just outside Paris~

Here is a link to my dear friend Whitney's blog. She has posted many of our pictures from France.

03 November, 2008

While Heidi's away....

I have been busy at work and play. The paving project is something that I have been working on for a while. Last spring a student and I came up with a design and wrote a grant to get funding to build it. This fall I have been teaching a landscaping course and the students and I have been installing the design created last spring. After great work from the students and a few visits to the chiropractor it is finally coming together. So the weekend after most of the work was done I went grouse hunting and shot my first ruffed grouse. I haven't ate it yet but I'll let you know how it goes.

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...