29 September, 2008

Happy Birthday Babe!

I am so glad you were born- because we belong together! I pulled these carrots from the garden Saturday and they reminded me of us!

For your Birthday I have made an alphabetized list of things that I love about you! Anyone else who reads on may puke...just a warning.

Artistic: You are a true designer. Your creative mind comes up with beautiful designs that please clients and provide for your family. Your paintings and drawings are works of art. I love the sketch of my playhouse you gave me for Christmas years ago. I cherish the work you make for me. You have gifted hands.

Buzzband: You are my Buzz and my very best friend. I would be lost with out you.

Creative: You are truly and artist! You have a beautiful creative mind. You’re the Cat’s pajamas.

Dream boy: You are my Alaskan dream come true! I love the exciting places and things we do together. You make life a dream. I say I want chickens, you build me a coop, I say I want to live in China, we move to China. I say I want to learn Spanish- we move to Miami Beach and attend the Spanish ward. And SO MUCH MORE! You fulfill me.

Enginuitive: You can figure out how to do, make, or build anything. It truly amazes me. This is one of my favorite things about you. The chicken coop you built, the artsy design fence you built for our yard, and so, so much more. You make things happen.

Funny: You still make me laugh everyday. You always do silly things to make me laugh and I LOVE it- even when I pretend like you bug me (I can’t believe I am putting this in writing) you crack me up.

Green: You are aware of environmental issues and you plan and design accordingly. You are so smart this way. I know you will save all the Bio-swales. : )

Hunk: Lets face it- you’re a babe! The new hair cut is very becoming.

Intelligent: You are so smart. You have natural ability to figure things out. I truly think you could test on the genius level. Next thing I know you will join MENSA. My brilliant husband.

Knowledgeable: You are my walking dictionary. If I need to know a word in Spanish, English, or Portuguese I just ask. You astound me with your knowledge.

Logical: You are discerning and you really think things through.

Mature: You are calm and even keel.

Neat and Tidy: Umm…wait. Did I just say that? Umm. Lets face it just look at your side of the bed. I’ll just skip to the next one. Love you babe.

Original: You are the plaid pants wearing fool of BYU…and the sporter of ugly ties. The old man hat wearing guy. You are uniquely You! I LOVE that you are who you are and don’t care what the rest of the world thinks. Remember when I nick-named you Norm…for Normal, well I was being sarcastic. ; 0

Patient: Patient with kids and me. After all you have put up with me going on 8 years now...

Real: There is nothing fake about you. I love that. I can read your mood and know what to expect. You are a truly genuine person.

Strong example: You provide such a good example for our foster sons and for your scouts and Elias.

Straight: As much as I love Carolyn Pearsons’s autobiography…I am so glad you are straight.

Tool Man: Whether is Photoshop or your workshop. You know how to gitter done. You know the tools and you always teach me so much.

Wise: You asked me to marry you. Happy Birthday my Love~


Angela said...

Oh Heidi, that is too much! You crack me up. We had a few carrots like that; I called them veggie porn. =) Happy Birthday Eric. You guys are awesome!

Angela said...

Just to clarify, YOUR veggie is not what I would call veggie porn. You two are very well suited for each other. I'm glad I know you guys.

Tamie said...

LOVE the carrots...isn't it amazing what nature will do if given the chance--and btw way, heidi: i think that eric is just as lucky to have you! you two together are an amazing pair...just wish that we all lived closer so that we could enjoy all this new life together!
happy b-day eric!

Jill said...

You are so sweet to your hubby. Happy b day Eric!!!

Brook said...
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Brook said...

I also have a alphabetized list of why I love you, but I am not going to share it with you right now..But a sample, in no paticular order... D is for Dirrrty Wrist Watch. G is for Gobbler. K is for Kindergarden Pee. R is for Running me over with your truck sledding. O is for One of my oldest friends. N is for Nelson apt. M is for Moab. Anyway, that is all you get... Heidi obviously stole my idea.. Hope that your day has been goood.

wendybird said...

thanks for the alphabetized list idea. You are so creative and your hubby is so lucky to have you.

Wendy said...

Happy Day Eric !! We love you. I love the picture of the carrot, fun how you hung it over the doorknob.

The Bentley's said...

that was really sweet.... and not even to barfy. eric is lucky to have you too!

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