25 August, 2008

Visit from Grandma and Gramps!

It was so wonderful to have visitors in the Northland! Eric and his Dad went on a canoe fishing adventure for 4 days-

Lest you think Eric smashed his finger on a rock...

He was actually bit by a snapping turtle...he claims it was "gigantic"- see for yourself. : ) Pretty big, but does resemble a rock of sorts.

Elias, Grandma and I stayed home and played...we sewed, shopped, canned fruit, and went on bike rides! It was a great

And when the big boys got home we ate lots of Phish!


Panda said...

eeek! holy snapping turtle! elias is adorable.

Tamie said...

how is it that the guys always get some kind of war wound when they go out...a snapping turtle? who would've though?!?!
glad you had fun with the in-laws!

Jennica said...

That is so awesome (the snapping turtle). Poor, poor Ewok! Looks like everyone had a great time. Too bad I wasn't there! (Blast those jobs!)

Brenda said...

What kind of jam did you make?

Anonymous said...

looks like eric had fun have you looked at my site

Tammy Jorgenson

Anonymous said...

The turtle pic is hysterical ! And
Elias, Wow what an adorable dear little boy __ I can't wait to see him. Looks like the phishermen had lots of fun in the 'North Country'.

Jill said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast, and we all loved the turtle story, I think we had to tell it to Landon like 3 times over and over that night. We miss Elias, we are so curious what he's like as a two year old!!!

Blue Ribbon Family said...

Elias is so cute! I just love reading your blog, and appreciate your friendship!

Kim said...

Don't you love visitors!!! I love Elias in his little vest! How fun!

grammajill said...

Such a beautiful area, Heidi, and a beautiful family, too! We miss you guys a lot!

The Bentley's said...

that sounds like so much fun!! i love having visitors. and elias hair is sooo to die for cute. glad you ahd fun!

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