Juan had his last Orchestra Concert today...He did fantastic!
We made cupcakes for Juan's class last night...After all, it is Mustache May!
Elias attended a pre-school for 3 days this week held at Eisenhower Middle School (where I taught for the last 4 years). He had a ball. The middle school child development class put it on and the girls totally doted on Elias...he loved all the attention.
Okay, Grandpa Lamb take a good look at this little wooden kitchen set....cause we want it! Preferable made out of recycled wood. Love you Pops! Elias LOVED it!
Happy Birthday Juan! Hope it is super fun!
These pictures are hysterical. I love every one of them. What does Eli have wrapped around his head in the pinata picture?
Happy Birthday, Juan!
The concert pic is awesome. Congratulations! In the last year you have learned to play the violin, learned a new language and you have become Eli's best buddy. WOW.
Happy Birthday Juan! I like the kitchen set too, the boys have wanted one before and now that they're going to have a sister they might actually get one. Cute Elias!!
Feliz Cumpleanos! I hope it was great!! I would type everything in Spanish BUT I think it would be difficult to understand. I don't have fabuloso Espanol skills.
happy birthday juan! looked like a fun party. (ps. yay for moustache may!)
Juan, Happy Birthday! We love you guys.
Heidi!!! Visit my blog at! I added your e-mail address! Plus I loved the pictures...especially way down there the pics of the missionaries--- I knew Elder Owens and Elder "Von". I miss Elder Von Nederhaussen...and YOU! :)
I was listening to JD today ("No One"--I love how raw/honest this song is), it made me think of you. Hope all is well with you guys.
Happy belated birthday Juan!! It looks like it was a wonderful one. I loved the plug for the kitchen set as well. Isn't it great to have grampas with skills.
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