We will miss Kansas so much. It is definitely with a little pain and emotion that we leave our friends, neighborhood, and home behind. The hardest part by far is not being able to take Juan with us to Minnesota. He is a part of our family. We love him so much. He will go to another family here in Manhattan, KS until he can be reunited with his family in Mexico. Juan is an absolutely delightful boy. He makes me laugh everyday. He is getting so good with the Violin.

Juan's Mom is great. She sends him the sweetest cards and letters.
She is so pleased with his schooling and ability to speak English. We love Veronica very much. Juan looks forward to going to live with her again. We hope it will be soon.

Juan plans to come back to the US to attend College. He said he wants to go "where Eric teaches". We will continue to know and love Juan. We even hope to see him and his family in Mexico. We Love you so much Juan!!

My dear friend and mentor Dr. Dee McKee is another one who will be greatly missed. Although I will still be working on her campaign from Minnesota, we won't be able to have our noon tea on Saturdays. I am sure I will still be calling her regularly with questions about life... : )
I love the twinkle in Elias's eye when he watches Juan.
Sounds so bittersweet for you and your family. Best of luck to you and yours in this new chapter of life. I feel like I know Juan from reading your blog... I'll miss him too. Tell him to send pictures often so you can pass them along to all of us :)
good luck moving heidi. i know you will miss manhattan a lot, but you will love your new place too in time! hope we can see you guys sometime!!!
I had no idea you had to leave Juan. I am so sorry, and that is heartbreaking in and of itself. *hugs* to you!
Heidi, what is Dee campaigning for?? I know Juan's life is enriched so much for having spent so much time with your family. It's been a blessing for both you and him. We will miss him too.
What a sweet post. You have such a beautiful heart! Good luck with the move.
wow...i'm sure that it is hard to believe that you're getting ready to move. it kind of all comes crashing in, doesn't it?
i'm not sure that i knew that you guys were in manhattan...i know where that is! how funny.
I love how Eli looks at Juan. He is going to miss his big "brother" who he has so much fun with. I hope Juan isn't too upset. Your home has been a very happy place for Juan.
We will miss Juan and know this is hard for you. Hopefully all works out with his family. Excited you get to join Eric soon.
I am so sad for you to be leaving such a wonderful place, friends and family. Thank you for sharing Juan and Elias with us via the blog, it has been fun getting to know your family even though we are so far away.
So sad to be leaving Juan behind! I hope he goes to a good family while he is waiting to back to Mexico. He seems like such a sweet boy. Good luck with the move!
I really miss Kansas too; I understand why Dorothy wanted to get home so bad. =) Good luck with your move, and if you're anywhere near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, I may be making a trip out there. =)
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