We stayed at home built a hot fire in the fireplace and waited the storm out- We were so happy when we got power back last night we lit off fireworks!
Welcome Shareena!
Shareena moved in with us in late November- She is a sweet and VERY helpful girl! We love having her in our home.
It is a new look Eric is working on- he hasn't perfected it yet, he is thinking about calling it Blue Ice.
He is such a copy cat- it is unreal! He does everything he sees.
Glad to hear that you have your power again. You were brave to make it without heat.
Wow, you must have been FREEZING! I'm glad you have your power and heat back.
so glad you guys survived the yucky storm and no power. you must have been freezing. Thank goodness for footsie pajamas! so sad you're not going to MX.
how sad... idon't think i could do it. 4 days is so long!! glad you survived:)
how sad... idon't think i could do it. 4 days is so long!! glad you survived:)
I am so glad to hear that it is back on. I kept getting daily updates from Mom...but then they went to MX and then I never heard the final word. Hearing about you guys really made me think about my food storage/emergency preparedness. I don't think that I am very prepared. I am going to hop on that! :) We'll miss you in MX. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Love F. Aunt Nica (ps the christmas card was really cute)
Another PS. You are tagged. Check out my blog.
There are a lot of thing I miss about Kansas, but I do not miss the ice storms of Kansas. We were in Kansas right after one of them hit and we left just as another storm was coming. I'm glad you guys are safe. I like Eric's new look. It does look like blue ice. It must be fun to be able to change looks (ie. grow a beard so no one recognizes you); Eli is lucky if he can grow a little mustache. Cute family.
ice storms are amazing! i didn't quite beleive it when i was told that they happened, but then my last winter on my mission, i was in Willard, MO we had an ice storm and were grounded. it was something to see and experience. but a power outage for four days, YIKES! glad that it wasn't me and glad that you had a fireplace to snuggle up to...welcome back to the 21st century, pioneers. :)
not sure about the blue ice thing, but hey; you've got work with what you've got. :)
p.s. i need your mailing address so we can send you a card...i think that i've got it, but not too sure. e-mail it to me @ brookandtamie@netzero.net
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