31 October, 2019

Halloween 2019

The Legerski home-  our favorite Halloween tradition. 

Elias's candy haul-  organized categorically.   
Elias and I share the beauty of ADHD, or Fast Brain as we call it.
We explore, create, and think outside the box... or in this case inside the box.

29 October, 2019

National Cat Day

Cat spirit animal:  Magical, independent, curious, overly-imaginative...  Yes please.

I love this bundle of fur.  So much.  Every cat owner knows, No one ever owns a cat.
Tigre found me when we were living on the beach in Mexico, and I am one lucky lady.
These are my favorite things about Tigre and all cats:
He never hides his emotion; absolute emotional honesty
He hasn't forgotten that cats were once worshiped as gods
He has high expectations, and knows he is worthy of them
Most of all, my cuddly friend.

There are few things in life more heartwarming than being welcomed by a cat. -Tay Hohoff

So-  if you think I am that crazy cat lady who wears funny hats, and talks to animals.  You couldn’t be more correct.

Happy National Cat Day-  Enrique Nacho Tigre!

Mexico Veterinarian Office 2017

Halloween 2017

23 October, 2019

A Day Spent Reading by the Fire... is never wasted

Elias and I are reading The Birchbark House- by Louise Erdrich
How I love reading about indigenous nations and experiences.  Elias seems to have the same affinity.  He stayed home from school sick today.  I am pretty sure it was the Birchbark house needing to read sickness. I had the perfect cure.  We read for hours.  How I love that boy.

11 October, 2019

Creation of Fire

Keeper of the fire
Finally she is
Patience and practice
Bow Drill Wiz

Okay,  “Wiz” is a bit of a stretch, but...  I DID IT! Finally!  

First Blizzard of the season here in the Great White North.  Perfect day to build a fire, and it only took me 2 hours! Haha!

Maybe by the end of the season I will really be a  Bow Drill Wiz.
Starting a fire using a bow drill is a skill I have wanted for a long time. 
A bow drill is a simple rotational hand-operated tool of prehistoric origin, commonly used to generate friction to start a fire. #rabbitstick #fire #frictionfire #bowdrill #Blizzard #noschool #snowday #home #ancestralskills  #primitiveskills

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...