24 June, 2018

Camp Good Mourning

A grief camp for children.  

In grad school I took a class on death and dying.  I enjoyed the work of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross so much that I continued reading her work for pleasure.  She, the mother of the Hospice Foundation, profoundly and wisely contributed to quality end of life care, and grief care.  Although, I never got to meet her,  she has helped me tremendously in my grief.  I am a better person, mother, wife, teacher because of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

Karli and RubyCatherine-  Camp Buddies

Camp Good Mourning is held at Park River Bible Camp and allows for an attendance of 50 children and teens. The campers partake in activities including low adventure course, canoeing, wall climbing, recreation time, art and crafts, high ropes and campfires. Added to these activities are small group discussions, where children are encouraged to open up about their loss, how it makes them feel and how to move forward. 
Austin & Elias Camp Buddies 

Camp Good Mourning is funded entirely by donations, fundraisers and a $25 registration fee (waived if it’s a hardship for the family). For more information regarding camp (June 22-24, 2018), how to register a child, or to volunteer, please contact Sue Mairs, camp coordinator, at smairs@altru.org or 701.780.5258

Roland, RubyCat, Ned
Although we never wish heartache on anyone-  It is comforting to have good friends who understand.  We love our friends.  

06 June, 2018

Nauvoo, Illinois

Wagon Ride, Nauvoo Illinois
Best Flossers this side of the Mississippi

Elias saving the baby Raccoon - who nearly drowned.  We named him Nauvoo.  
Mississippi Steamboat Ride-  Hannibal,  Missouri
Home of Mark Twain (Aka Sam Clemmens)

Pioneer Folk- 
Just like the Patti Duke Show-  Cousins, identical Cousins.  Ha!
Salt n Peppa
Sassy and smart!  

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...