23 March, 2018

Meet ...Meetah

Tigre (my perfect, amazing and beautiful cat), Meetah our new addition.  Meetah is a rescue dog from a puppy mill in Wisconsin.  I literally picked her up out of her lifelong cage and took her home.  And she hasn't left my side.  That was a month ago. 
 It would be an understatement to say that she loves me. 
She follows me everywhere and cries if I am not in her sight.  Tigre loves her too.  He likes to cuddle.  She prefers me.  Always. 
 My family at nauseam, roll their eyes at her loving loyalty to me. 

PS  See all my silver hair?  Isn't it beautiful?  I have earned every d@m^ one of them.

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...