25 December, 2018

Merry Christmas

Elias got a Sphero that he greatly anticipated.
I love this tall tree.  I don't think I want to take it down.


22 December, 2018

Duluth, Minnesota

The Glensheen Mansion was a Christmas delight.

RubyCatherine enjoyed playing in the sand.

We all loved walking the shore of Lake Superior.

The Ice Dragon on shore


16 December, 2018

The Lamb Castle 2018

Top 5 Personal Descriptors of ‘18

Ruby Catherine-  Piano playin, Choir singin, Homework avoidin, Dolly playin

BOSS (Nuf Said)

Elias- Book readin, Fort buildin, Boy scout campin, Middle School goin’, 


Eric- Dissertation Writin’, Banjo Pickin’, Yurt buildin’, Board game playin’,

DOCTOR (the kind that doesn't help people)

Heidi- Kombucha drinkin’ Cat LOVIN’, Birdwatchin’ Mushroom foragin’, YOGI


22 November, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving~

Top 5 Personal Descriptors of ‘18

Ruby Catherine-  Piano playin, Choir singin, Homework avoidin, Dolly playin

BOSS (Nuf Said)

Elias- Book readin, Fort buildin, Boy scout campin, Middle School goin’, 


Eric- Dissertation Writin’, Banjo Pickin’, Yurt buildin’, Board game playin’,

DOCTOR (the kind that doesn't help people)

Heidi- Kombucha drinkin’ Cat LOVIN’, Birdwatchin’ Mushroom foragin’, YOGI

12 November, 2018

Veterans Day 2018

Our beloved neighbor Dick Taylor has become a dear friend.
Thank you for your service to our country Dick.

03 November, 2018

Elf- The Musical

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Elf is our FAVORITE movie.  We quote this movie often,  We had a delightful time at the Broadway musical.  As we were leaving with the huge slow moving crowd of people heading to our cars a small child was crying/tantruming.  RubyCatherine didn't skip a beat- as she announced to the crowd "She's an Angry Elf!" 

15 October, 2018

AVID Bird Watcher

Enrique Nacho Tigre Fernandez Castillo de Jesus
is the best birdwatcher of all the birdwatchers in this birdwatching house. 
And Frankly that is  A LOT of bird watching.

an avid mouse watcher. Perfectly happy, excited and
content to just watch the mice invade the house.


12 September, 2018

Rabbitstick 2018

We all had an amazing week making shoes, baskets, processing ducks, mushroom hunting,
swimming and fishing in the river-  at Rabbitstick in Idaho.  

27 August, 2018

Kittens, Kittens, Kittens!

We have been fostering these cute little orphaned kittens.  DELIGHTFUL work!

They needed to be socialized to humans so our job was to hold them as much as possible. 
Life can be difficult when you don't have two kittens cuddling up to your  neck.

18 July, 2018

University Park Bear- Dead

University Park, a block from our house, a black bear was nestled up in a tree today.
Officials killed the bear.
Unnecessarily, in my opinion.
I am now a protest poet.
"I killed a bear today
Oh What a man am I!
We the experts knew just what to do
When the bear did not comply."

"This is our space.  We demand you leave!"

The cub stuck up in the tree.
Looked down to the people with fear in his eyes
And said “You are frightening me”.

Black bears are known to be timid
Why not leave it alone?
“NO! We will use all resources to kill the beast,
We won’t be overthrown!”

Five Lethal tranquilizer darts
when one would have been enough
Then lower the bear breaking its leg.
Ending his life in cuffs.

Mother nature cries
Unnecessary actions that hurt.
Please in the future,
Just let the bears be
Nature will not convert

I added my poem to the memorial.

12 July, 2018

Crow Baby Barentine


Night has fallen
Crow baby is lost.
Hops to my porch
The yard across

Right in to traffic
The cars don’t stop!
When she tries to fly
To the ground she plops

Mama runs out
In her nighty,  bare feet
Scoops up the baby
She’s been dying to meet!

Crow baby perched on mama’s shoulder
Until tomorrow when her kin will hold her ......

07 July, 2018

Enrique Nacho Tigre Fernandez Castillo de Jesus

I love this cat.  So much.   He is our family therapist, our entertainment, and my mid-life motherhood fulfillment.  And he is naughty... sometimes.

24 June, 2018

Camp Good Mourning

A grief camp for children.  

In grad school I took a class on death and dying.  I enjoyed the work of Elisabeth KĂĽbler-Ross so much that I continued reading her work for pleasure.  She, the mother of the Hospice Foundation, profoundly and wisely contributed to quality end of life care, and grief care.  Although, I never got to meet her,  she has helped me tremendously in my grief.  I am a better person, mother, wife, teacher because of Elisabeth KĂĽbler-Ross.

Karli and RubyCatherine-  Camp Buddies

Camp Good Mourning is held at Park River Bible Camp and allows for an attendance of 50 children and teens. The campers partake in activities including low adventure course, canoeing, wall climbing, recreation time, art and crafts, high ropes and campfires. Added to these activities are small group discussions, where children are encouraged to open up about their loss, how it makes them feel and how to move forward. 
Austin & Elias Camp Buddies 

Camp Good Mourning is funded entirely by donations, fundraisers and a $25 registration fee (waived if it’s a hardship for the family). For more information regarding camp (June 22-24, 2018), how to register a child, or to volunteer, please contact Sue Mairs, camp coordinator, at smairs@altru.org or 701.780.5258

Roland, RubyCat, Ned
Although we never wish heartache on anyone-  It is comforting to have good friends who understand.  We love our friends.  

06 June, 2018

Nauvoo, Illinois

Wagon Ride, Nauvoo Illinois
Best Flossers this side of the Mississippi

Elias saving the baby Raccoon - who nearly drowned.  We named him Nauvoo.  
Mississippi Steamboat Ride-  Hannibal,  Missouri
Home of Mark Twain (Aka Sam Clemmens)

Pioneer Folk- 
Just like the Patti Duke Show-  Cousins, identical Cousins.  Ha!
Salt n Peppa
Sassy and smart!  

03 May, 2018

Come what May...

03 May 2014

The light was pouring in
Angels by my side
Stillness in the air.

I gazed down on her peaceful sleep.
for what seemed like a long time
taking in her peace, her beauty, the sun, the moment.

the stillness became…
Well,   too much
No movement at all.
Where is her breath? I thought to myself
 as I watched her ribs for movement

Reaching down to stroke her back,
Making contact,
Instantly, I knew.
I felt it in the rigidness of her flesh.
Cold, wooden.

Death had visited

My baby no longer connected to her body.

The month of May, in the great white north, is full of new life, green, and hope.  At least for most people.
This May marks 4 years since my little girl died.  I keep thinking it is going to get easier.  Death. The cessation of living. Grief. And living through it moment by moment by moment.  My tears are cleansing.  I feel better after a good cry.  Writing poetry is therapeutic.  With that said losing a child is not for the weak of heart.  The pain is deep, and often raw.

As I travel though my moments and travel through grief I see different stages come and go.  I just continue.  This week I have been in a deep sadness-  and I am trying to explore it with curiosity and without judgement.

10 April, 2018

The Many Faces of Play #primalplay

Is there such thing as too much fun?
It's no secret that I love learning and developing primal living skills... so why not primal play?  Darryl Edwards is an amazing instructor and an amazing human.  - Thanks for a fantastic work out
Photo credits:  Eric Castle 
Hop like a bunny
Leap like a frog
Crawl like a bear
Bark like a dog

Simply feel happy
Enjoying primal fun
The hours fly by
And my workouts all done.

23 March, 2018

Meet ...Meetah

Tigre (my perfect, amazing and beautiful cat), Meetah our new addition.  Meetah is a rescue dog from a puppy mill in Wisconsin.  I literally picked her up out of her lifelong cage and took her home.  And she hasn't left my side.  That was a month ago. 
 It would be an understatement to say that she loves me. 
She follows me everywhere and cries if I am not in her sight.  Tigre loves her too.  He likes to cuddle.  She prefers me.  Always. 
 My family at nauseam, roll their eyes at her loving loyalty to me. 

PS  See all my silver hair?  Isn't it beautiful?  I have earned every d@m^ one of them.

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...