Of course much of their education is simply the experiences they are having. One of the beauties of children is that they are always learning. Whether we are spending a day at the beach or at the market great questions arise (eg how do Jelly fish sting people? How do I say "bathroom" in Spanish?, What kind of fish is that boat fishing for?). Their questions lead to some fabulous educational dialogue- and the best part is that they asked the question so they WANT to know (unschooling).
As for the more formal academics, we have gotten into a routine. The kids do reading, writing, and math in the morning- then they have play time or experience based education- ocean time, or their jungle fort, or mural painting. All of which have created some great learning.
The Mural work is a refurbishment of some art that was fading and chipping away from years past. We only have 3 paint colors to work with red, yellow and blue. Mixing has been so educational and fun. It is still a work in progress.