27 May, 2014

Sad Isn't Bad

Today we read the book "Sad Isn't Bad".   We miss our little Lizzy.
We are learning to live with a missing piece in our hearts.
Ruby Catherine is a rock star.  

I took out Nette's weave- and we celebrated a moment during Mustache May.

RuCat and Lalo hanging out on the couch.

24 May, 2014

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! We miss you~


We had a party at Castle Park in honor of our Elizabeth

Eric and his friends played music-  One of Lizzy's favorite things.

18 May, 2014


Madison Elizabeth Castle

I had  looked for you, waited for you.
I just didn’t know this was your part
A huge role you are playing baby girl
Although your time on stage was short

I found you Elizabeth, 
My wise Oak Tree
Now, with your help,
I am finding me.

You are helping me find my missing parts 
and making me complete
Showing me the best things of life
honoring what’s most sweet

Living life with No Regrets
Making the most of each day
Elizabeth is printed on my heart
And there you always will stay.

Reminding me to live in the moment
To soak up the light when it shines
To brave the darkness, allow the hurt
This little little light of mine~

You’re teaching me to honor my dreams
Your light within burns with hope
Reminding me that Jesus redeems
It is only through Him we can cope

To make the most of what we have
To honor each moment we’re given
You bring out the best in our family
You are Peace, Love and Forgiveness

With the ones I have now, I will treasure my time 
Your memories I will keep alive
Knowing one day, there will be no more pain,
When Jesus will finally arrive.

When living seems too painful 
Will you bring me the gifts that I need?
After the rain comes the Son
To Him we are blessed to concede.

Jesus Lives. 
My baby does too.
With me for just a short while,
You came and brought your gentle peace.
Your gift makes all the pain worthwhile.

I know now, the question I wondered…
Is it better to have loved and lost?
Absolutely yes Elizabeth!
You are worth the cost.

Sweet Dreams my child.
My little girl.
You are in my heart to stay.
We’ll be together again, this I know.
For God has planned it this way.

Love, Mama

~Heidi Lamb Castle

13 May, 2014

12 May, 2014

Idaho- Grandpa and Grammy

Riding around the farm with Grandpa.

Hiking in the mountains behind Uncle Bret's house.
Picking wild flowers for Lizzy and Mom.  (Mother's day was yesterday)

03 May, 2014

Heart Shattered

Shock, fear, deep raw pain is in my heart today.
Sweet baby Elizabeth died in her sleep last night.

I can't believe it is real.  My baby is gone.

Heaven help me.  Please send Angels.


Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...