28 June, 2013

Stewart Falls

Lincoln Burr and Elias Castle ready to hike to Stewart Falls..
Does Elias look like he is in pain? or just has to pee really bad?

Eric has been reading a story about Stewart Falls to Elias- so it was extra fun to hike it.

Elizabeth and Cannon- enjoying a ride.

27 June, 2013

Temple Square- Birth Family Visit

Elizabeth, Elias, Annika, Ashton, Ruby Catherine

Ruby Catherine at her special Temple

Love these two more than words can describe.

Elias and his NanaBug!  We love you Stacey!

Very fun Family visit!  We are already looking forward to next summer's visit!

Elizabeth and Great Grandma Rosalee

Splashtastic!  The city creek center downtown SLC was a hit!

26 June, 2013

Timpanogos Caves

Timpanogos Caves Hike

Elias hiked like a trooper up to the caves- and met the requirements to become a Jr Ranger at Timp.  

23 June, 2013

Bryce Canyon National Park June 2013

Bryce Canyon National Park

Sleepy baby girl~ in her pack on Daddy's back.
Grandpa Roger and Elizabeth

Grandpa and Grandma Castle

This girl loves riding in her pack... and this mama loves to pack her.  :)

Elias completed all the requirements to become a Jr Ranger-
and was sworn in at the Ranger Station. He worked hard, hiked far, and had fun!

08 June, 2013

08 June 2013 Riding the Red River Trails in Grand Forks, ND

Our New (new to us anyway) tandem!  Eric fixed up this old beauty that we found in Grand Forks, ND.
Artists Market-  Food, Fun, and bike rides

Fun bike ride around Grand Forks with our friends- The Legerski's and the Chris and Tasha's~ 

Riding the trails- This is the marker built after the 1997 flood.
Oh how I love watching this little guy ride his bike... and Elias LOVES to ride his bike.
He is fast and quite coordinated for a 7 year old.

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...