24 December, 2013

The Lamb Castle 2013

‘Twas the week before Christmas a year ago
The gift of a lifetime on us bestowed
Our baby girl, came home to stay,
A family complete for Christmas Day

The new year brought Grandparents, Snow and play
Minnesota Winters are a bit drawn out by the way~

So when the snow lasted a little too long, 
Heidi’s brothers went to Grand Canyon; 
and took her along
12 days on the river, with Brandon and Bret
Hikes, artifacts, & rapids we all got wet.

After 5 years as president of Relief Society
Heidi partially managed to maintain sobriety.
But seriously, service is a blessing we’re grateful to give,
I enjoyed the years, the memories will live~

School got out at the end of May
About the time that Winter finally gave way.
Eric, Elias, Lalo and friends 
Enjoyed Boundary Waters; Nature without end
Too much fun in the the great outdoors
Boat wrecks, fishing, and board game scores

Next:  Bryce Canyon a Castle reunion
Spires, Hoo Doos, night hikes; family fusion

Nature is fun but can be danger~
Thank goodness Elias is a Jr Ranger.
Jr. Ranger is right at 6 parks by the way!
Mississippi, Yellowstone, Bryce, Custer, 
Itasca & Timp Cave

Idaho brought hiking, playing in the creek
Fun on the farm,  baby chicks peep, peep!
Lots of camping in Minnesota this summer
Our new-to-us sheep camp provided comfort and cover

Delightful family time at Winnipeg Folk Fest
Indigo girls, Josh Ritter, Avett Bros, at their best
Elizabeth’s a dancer we discovered quick
Elias and Ruby liked the crafts, creeks and sticks 

Back to school for Elias, 2nd grade is sublime
At home Ruby plays Hide and Seek for hours at a time
Eric does research, teaches, travels
He is our rock so we don’t come unraveled

St. Paul is home to Elizabeth’s temple
A forever family, transcendental

I enjoy teaching yoga and aim to be mindful.
Life keeps me grounded; I proceed with survival.

Ruby and Mom  on an Amish road trip 
Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia- buggy whip!

Wishing you Peace,Light & Joy in 2014  

Eric,Heidi, Elias, Elizabeth, & Ruby-Catherine

16 December, 2013

The Lamb Castle 2013


‘Twas the week before Christmas a year ago

The gift of a lifetime on us bestowed

Our baby girl, came home to stay,

A family complete for Christmas Day


The new year brought Grandparents, Snow and play

Minnesota Winters are a bit drawn out by the way~


So when the snow lasted a little too long, 

Heidi’s brothers went to Grand Canyon; 

and took her along

12 days on the river, with Brandon and Bret

Hikes, artifacts, & rapids we all got wet.


After 5 years as president of Relief Society

Heidi partially managed to maintain sobriety.

But seriously, service is a blessing we’re grateful to give,

I enjoyed the years, the memories will live~


School got out at the end of May

About the time that Winter finally gave way.

Eric, Elias, Lalo and friends 

Enjoyed Boundary Waters; Nature without end

Too much fun in the the great outdoors

Boat wrecks, fishing, and board game scores


Next:  Bryce Canyon a Castle reunion

Spires, Hoo Doos, night hikes; family fusion


Nature is fun but can be danger~

Thank goodness Elias is a Jr Ranger.

Jr. Ranger is right at 6 parks by the way!

Mississippi, Yellowstone, Bryce, Custer, 

Itasca & Timp Cave


Idaho brought hiking, playing in the creek

Fun on the farm,  baby chicks peep, peep!

Lots of camping in Minnesota this summer

Our new-to-us sheep camp provided comfort and cover


Delightful family time at Winnipeg Folk Fest

Indigo girls, Josh Ritter, Avett Bros, at their best

Elizabeth’s a dancer we discovered quick

Elias and Ruby liked the crafts, creeks and sticks 


Back to school for Elias, 2nd grade is sublime

At home Ruby plays Hide and Seek for hours at a time

Eric does research, teaches, travels

He is our rock so we don’t come unraveled


St. Paul is home to Elizabeth’s temple

A forever family, transcendental

I enjoy teaching yoga and aim to be mindful.

Life keeps me grounded; I proceed with survival.


Ruby and Mom  on an Amish road trip 

Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia- buggy whip!

Wishing you Peace,Light & Joy in 2014  

Eric,Heidi, Elias, Elizabeth, & Ruby-Catherine

06 December, 2013

Night of Nativity

Wise people in North Dakota bundled up good for this -27 windchill event.  It was wonderful.

This has become a wonderful ward tradition- we love taking part in it.

03 December, 2013

Girls Day Out for Sushi and Fun

Ruby definitely enjoys Sushi (almost as much as her mom),  Yum!

Elizabeth enjoyed throwing the Sushi-  she's got a strong arm, what can I say?

02 December, 2013

Fun with Carol

The girls ALWAYS enjoy seeing Carol Simmons.   We are so glad to have her so close (in proximity and in our hearts).

01 December, 2013

Nursery at Church

This big girl is ready to graduate to Sunbeam class (and has been for a year now).

Bear Bum.

Elizabeth just began attending nursery.
She is starting to have more interactive play.  Love watching her explore.

Attitude.  Period.

27 November, 2013

Star Wars Snow~

Eric had a great time making Star Wars Snow Flakes during his Thanksgiving break.

Slave Leia

Ruby Catherine made this one- for Mama.

Darth Vader 

Kitchen covered in Star Wars and
ready for our Ugly Sweater Party.

20 November, 2013

Atlanta, Georgia Visit

Ruby-Catherine and Mom had a Fantastic time on our Amish road trip-  ESPECIALLY visiting Aunt Robin in Georgia!

31 October, 2013

Halloween 2013

Power Ranger, Lady Bug and Fall Fairy

Ruby changed her mind a few times- she was also a Lion.
"I am a Lion here me RAR!"

Papa's pumpkin carving- in response to the 100 pumpkins in our front yard.

18 September, 2013

Elizabeth Gets a Mullet

Dear Ruby Catherine,
I know you are only 31/2 But heaven help me!  Was it really necessary to give your baby sister a mullet?  We have a big family event next week to celebrate Elizabeth's adoption.  Family and friends traveling thousands of miles, photographer lined up.. A mullet?  Really?  I know you saw me get my hair cut yesterday and it must have looked like a lot of fun.  It is a good thing that I adore you Ruby, because seriously, I DO NOT like the mullet.
Love, Mom
Ruby took the small braid twists I put in and cut the front ones off
near the scalp- leaving the back untouched.
Note my hand stretching out the remaining ringlets- 5 inches.

Some of the braided twists were cut off shorter than others.
Nice bald spot in this picture.

17 September, 2013

16 September, 2013

Dinner on the Deck~

Eric built me this  beautiful table and benches for our anniversary last month.  We like to  exchange handmade gifts.  This is definitely one of my favorites.   We enjoyed an outside dinner and family night tonight.  

10 September, 2013

Ruby Catherine- Summer 2013

I am doing a post for each of the kids for this summer.  Others to follow.

Ruby Catherine is full of adventure-  She is busy, bossy, and oh so confident.  She knows that she is important and she is not afraid to tell you.  I love this child beyond measure, and she keeps me on my toes every second.

RubyCat's Top 10 List of Lessons Summer 2013
10.  Laying down to eat is more comfortable.

9.   Want to watch Dora and eat fruit snacks?  Get Braids.

Does anyone else see a little mischief in her eye in this pic?
I think she was up to something when I snapped this shot.

8. Sharing is optional (also-  see #10 eating while lying down on floor).
7. Do shoes really have a right and left foot?  Really?- still working on this one.

6. When she is nice to her  big brother he is usually nice to her.
5. She is willing to go "Old School" as long as there is lots of sugar involved.
4.  Major Daddy's girl.  She ADORES him.  Enough said.
3. Butterflies rock.  She definitely has her own opinions and makes her own choices.
We learned a lot about butterflies this summer-
and as soon as she got the chance she had her face painted like a butterfly.

 2. Wearing pants to breakfast is optional. And wearing big girl underwear is awesome.
1. She will make a great firefighter or whatever she decides to be when she grows up.


Just finished Elizabeth's hair- first time in twists.  I sure love these happy sisters.   Lots of recoil in Lizzy's ringlets-  if you stretch them out they go down past her chin.  

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...