20 January, 2012

I Have A Dream

I have a dream, 
People won’t fight any more.
I have a dream, 
There will be no war.

I have a dream, 
We’ll all work together
I have a dream, 
The Earth will last forever

I have a dream, 
All creeds and tongues 
will see eye to eye till the work is done

I have a dream,
We will see  others worth.
I have a dream, 
There is Peace on Earth.

-Heidi Lamb Castle
For Elias Lamb Castle

Elias was asked to recite a poem at University of Minnesota this month in conjunction with  Martin Luther King Day and Black History month.  I wrote this piece for him.

17 January, 2012

Celebrating TWO years of Ruby Catherine

A little play time before bed... on the Eve of her 2nd Birthday.
Ruby loves this guy almost as much as I do... which is A LOT!

17 January 2012~  2 Years old today~
Picture taken the morning of her 2nd birthday~

When we streach her hair straight it goes down to the middle of her back.
It is thick full and curly~
Thank goodness for Nette for all her wisdom and help!
Sade Catherine, we love you.  We remember you every day,  but especially today.
The gift you gave us is priceless, a treasure we cherish.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
God Bless you now,
and always.

Happy Birthday to Grandma Wendy too!

Almost 1 year~

About 15 months

Little sack of sugar I could eat you up!
Ruby on the morning of her 2nd Birthday at Dr. Office
At Dr. Bell's Office for her 2-Year check up.

13 January, 2012

January 2012

Take note of the doll-   Ruby makes sure she is going potty too.

Mid-afternoon tickle contest

I love Elias's reaction as Ruby pushes him around. 

Ruby loves pushing Elias o her new riding toy.

05 January, 2012

Happy New Year!

50 degree temps made for some very ice sledding days!

Ruby and Elias 

Elias and our friend Holly

It is hard to believe she is almost 2 years old.

Ruby loves our dog Honey... Honey puts up with Ruby nicely. 

Honey really is the best dog ever

Mourning Whales & Morning Wails

Today marks day 13 of Tahlequah, carrying the lifeless body of her new calf, born on Christmas Eve. Again she grieves. Tahlequah, an endan...