16 December, 2006

Christmas News 2006

 The Lamb Castle    2006

Hello Loved ones!  Here is a quick glimpse of our year. 

-We have been blessed to welcome foster children into our home.  Tristen and Jacklyn, sisters, ages 2 and 13 lived with us until March when they were able to be reunited with their mother.  

Desi- spent most of the year with us and we were sad to see her leave

They are all sweet girls that blessed our life.

- I taught 7th and 8th grade again this year and really enjoy my tough middle school kids (crazy I know).

-  In March we bought a 1930’s craftsman style home, we are really enjoying our new nest.

- Eric and I graduated from K-State this May.  Yet, we have both decided to continue our schooling.

- Matthew and Conner- twin brothers moved in with us in June.  They were 3 months old.  We had a great summer playing with them.  In September they moved home with their mom and dad who we have become close to- they still come and visit and even spend the night on occasion.  We love them and their sweet family.

- After graduation Eric took a Landscape architecture position in Topeka for the Air National Guard.

- I took a new teaching position this Fall, it is a lower key position with a lot less demands. It has been very nice to have more time for family.

-Eric is the scout master and loves working with the boys.

- In October we adopted Elias Lamb Castle.  We are so blessed to have this sweet spirit.  He is crawling around and says da da da…Eric would like to think he is referring to dad- but I’m pretty sure it is just muttering. 

       May Peace reign on Earth this Season.

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